Edukad projektid

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Found 7 projects. programme [ FP6 ]  search term [ Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut ]

Partner countries (number of times in projects)
project no acronym and title duration
FP6 - 026715 BALTICGRID - Baltic Grid 2005-2008
FP6 - 512301 BIOCAPITAL - Cope with the Challenges and Opportunities of the 21st Century: Integrated Basic and Applied Training in a Success-oriented Bioprospecting 2005-2008
FP6 - 026145 EU-NMR - European Network of Research Infrastructures for providing Access and Technological Advancements in bio-NMR 2006-2010
FP6 - 506239 EUROMAGNET - A coordinated approach to access, experimental development and scientific exploitation of european large infrastructures for high magnetic fields 2005-2008
FP6 - 037017 OSIRIS - Optimized Strategies for Risk Assessment of Industrial Chemicals through Integration of Non-Test and Test Information 2007-2011
FP6 - 503626 SNEUTRINO LEPTOGENES - Inflaton-Sneutrino Leptogenesis and Lepton Flavour Violation 2004-2004
FP6 - 512052 UPMAN - Understanding Protein Misfolding and Aggregation by NMR 2004-2008